When summer arrives and the heat begins to set in, we radically modify our daily diet. We replace hot dishes such as lentils or purées with cooler and lighter ones. And this is where our beloved Andalusian gazpacho comes into play, one of the tastiest and most nutritious meals in Spanish cuisine and a perfect ally for this time of year. Due to the variety of vegetables and greens that its recipe contains, it is a magnificent option that provides a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
The benefits of gazpacho are unquestionable and best of all; they last beyond the summer. Because? Well, because the gazpacho helps us maintain the tan that we have gotten on the beach during those months. Yes, yes, as you read it, not only the carrot has this superpower. The Andalusian gazpacho prolongs the brown and we will explain why.
Gazpacho: Protects from the sun and prolongs the tan
- When summer arrives, our desire to get tan quickly leads us to use supposed magic formulas with which the only thing we achieve is mistreating our skin. We do not realize that there is actually a much easier and healthier way to maintain a tan: Take care of our diet and choose what we eat well.
- In this aspect we have to make a special mention of gazpacho since its nutritional composition with minerals and vitamins make it the best natural sunscreen and a great ally to prolong the tan.
- The amount of melanin in our skin is what sets the pace at which we are going to tan throughout the summer. To activate that melanin, it is best to consume foods rich in lycopene and carotene, compounds with great antioxidant capacity. And one of the richest foods in these nutrients is the tomato, the main ingredient in gazpacho.
- Other gazpacho ingredients such as peppers or extra virgin olive oil also promote safe tanning without the risk of burns thanks to the vitamins A, E and C they provide. In the specific case of extra virgin olive oil, this is responsible for protecting the skin from external agents due to its large amount of vitamin E and polyphenols.
Other benefits of gazpacho
In addition to protecting from the sun and prolonging the tan, gazpacho has many other benefits that make it an excellent dish for our summer diet. Do you still doubt whether to include it in your meals? When you read all its advantages, you will not be able to resist:
Does gazpacho make you fat? On the contrary, it helps us lose weight!
The gazpacho is made with natural, nutritious and very healthy ingredients with a very low caloric intake and a high content of antioxidants and fiber that improves intestinal transit and eliminates toxins. 100 ml of gazpacho contain about 50 kcal, yes, you must control the amount of oil you use to make it or the number of calories could increase. If you don’t want gazpacho to make you fat, you also have to be clear that you should consume it as a main dish and not as an accompaniment to another more substantial dish.
Increases defenses
One of the star ingredients of gazpacho is garlic. This ingredient acts as a natural antibiotic and helps increase the body’s defenses against some bacteria and viruses. In addition, it promotes circulation, a benefit that is very positive during the summer when many liquids are retained due to high temperatures.
Controls high blood pressure
An analysis by the Center for Research in Biomedical Network-Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) concluded that gazpacho has a vasodilator effect which allows controlling blood pressure. In fact, the separate consumption of each and every one of the gazpacho ingredients helps to avoid blood pressure.
Helps us stay young
The antioxidant properties that this dish contains, specifically the lycopene present in tomato and vitamin C, serve to protect the body against the harmful effect of free radicals. This cold soup contains nutrients that help reduce skin spots caused by aging and prevent wrinkles.
Keeps us hydrated
Gazpacho is an isotopic drink with a large amount of salts and water, which makes it a perfect food to relieve fatigue, improve digestion and keep the body properly hydrated.