Healthy New Year’s Eve dinner: what to eat to avoid gaining weight

Christmas is a date in which everyone overeats regardless of the calories ingested. However, Christmas cannot become an excuse to eat without control. We propose some delicious Christmas recipes to enjoy the holidays with family and friends in a healthy way and without gaining excess weight. Do not lose detail of the following tips so that you can enjoy New Year’s Eve dinner without worrying about the extra kilos and preserving your splendid figure.

Tips for a healthy New Year’s Eve dinner

  • To start with, when you think about your main dish, you should keep in mind that you can substitute chicken for turkey. It is a much healthier and more nutritious meat than chicken. In addition, turkey is much less caloric so it is a food that you can eat without problems during dinner. On the other hand, it will be good for you to avoid stuffed meats and not eat bread at night.
  • When preparing the dishes, it is preferable that you do them on the grill or in the oven and in this way avoid excess calories and fat in them. Also, avoid dishes made with refined ingredients such as sugar in desserts as they contain a lot of calories and are quite harmful to the body.
  • If you want to avoid gaining weight during these very important dates, you should consume a greater amount of vegetables and fruit and avoid sweets so typical on these dates such as nougats, shortbreads or chocolates. Do not forget not to exceed the consumption of alcohol either, since it contains the so-called empty calories or what is the same, calories that accumulate in your body and that do not have any nutritional contribution.

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