Papaya, one of the most antioxidant fruits on the market

Papaya is a fruit native to Mexico, although today it is grown in many places. Surely you did not know that papaya is a source of fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, papain, thiamin, niacin and vitamins. In addition, it is one of the fruits richest in antioxidants, since only half of it provides 28 mg. of carotenoids. It has fundamental nutrients and, above all, it is a fruit that is very low in protein and fat, which is why it is used in many diets. What are you waiting for to include it in your usual diet? If you’re still not convinced, we’ll break down the benefits of papaya for you.

10 benefits of papaya

  • Increases our defenses: due to its contribution of Vitamin C, it strengthens our body’s defenses. To get an idea, 100 grams of papaya cover 100% of the daily Vitamin C needs of an adult, that is, papaya contains more Vitamin C than orange.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases: it contains flavonoids, antioxidants that prevent free radicals and protect our body from ‘bad’ cholesterol.
  • It is an antioxidant: due to its lycopene content, a carotenoid that gives it its characteristic color and also reduces the negative action of free radicals and acts against the oxidation molecules that age our skin. Beta-carotene helps synthesize melanin for a healthy tan. It also provides Vitamin A that improves skin health.
  • Diuretic: due to its high water content -90%-, it is an excellent diuretic that acts against fluid retention.
  • Improves constipation: papaya in juice, fresh or in salads is also high in fiber, which stimulates intestinal movement. Fiber also acts as a detoxifier and helps the body eliminate toxins.
  • Improves digestion: thanks to an enzyme called papain, papaya facilitates the digestion of the proteins we eat on a daily basis. That is why it is a fruit that people who produce few pancreatic enzymes and have poor digestion should include in their diet.
  • Good for the eyes: papaya contains a type of carotenoids that protect against solar radiation and against the development of cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases
  • It contains folic acid: therefore, it controls the levels of hemocysteine ​​in the blood.
  • Eliminates intestinal parasites: not only papaya meat contains beneficial elements for health. Its seeds increase the levels of proteolytic enzymes, effective in eliminating parasites from the intestine.
  • Healing: papaya is also used to treat inflammations, suppurations, calluses, warts, pimples and other skin diseases. In the most remote places in Central America, where there are no pharmacies, its leaves are used as compresses on infected wounds to clean and heal.

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