What is the best time of day to eat fruit?

Everyone knows that fruit provides vitamins and minerals to the body. In addition, it is a low-calorie food and an antioxidant source that helps eliminate toxins. A report published by the WHO “recommended as a population objective the intake of a minimum of 400 grams of fruits and vegetables daily to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity.”

In turn, it added that “a minimum intake of three pieces of fruit a day for a healthy diet and a maximum of five” was recommended, if possible, seasonal and at its optimum degree of ripeness to make the most of its qualities. But what is the best time of day to eat fruit?

  • Fruit before or after meals

  • The most common thing was to take it as a dessert after lunch or dinner, but there are nutritionists who also recommend its consumption between meals and on an empty stomach, in order to achieve maximum absorption of minerals and vitamins. The fruit sometimes causes problems with flatulence or stomach heaviness if eaten on a full stomach, but by eating it between meals these problems are avoided.
  • Including fruit between meals has another advantage. Due to the feeling of satiety that it provides, at mealtime a large intake of important foods will not be necessary, so calorie consumption is reduced. Carmen Candela, an endocrine doctor, explains that those who usually eat a lot can satisfy their hunger with a piece of fruit before eating the main dishes. If they eat an apple or a pear before the most substantial dish, they are more satiated and, therefore, eat less.
  • Fruits with seeds such as kiwi or strawberry are the ones that have the most this satiating element, but they are ideal because they provide insoluble fiber that prevents digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The apple and pear, for their part, provide the so-called soluble fiber, which is ideal for regulating digestive transit.
  • With these data you can, for example, start the day with fruit for breakfast, then take a piece in the middle of the morning and another in the afternoon at snack time. Of course, trying in all cases to alternate the type of fruit and that it is in season.
  • Are fruits fattening?

The only thing you have to know about whether or not fruits are fattening is that you must consume them properly. For example, if you eat only fruit for dinner and eat several pieces, it can provide you with extra sugar, due to the natural fructose present in the fruit, which you do not need at that time and which you are not going to consume. Better have a light dinner and a piece of fruit for dessert.

On the other hand, if you also follow a weight loss plan, experts recommend eating only one piece of fruit at a time and alternating it, for example, with a natural yogurt.

  • What fruits is better to eat?

As we have said before, it is best to eat seasonal fruit. If you are going to play sports or any other physical activity, opt for bananas, cherries, oranges and mangoes, due to their rapidly absorbed sugar content. For their part, melon and watermelon are ideal for quick hydration. Avocado and coconut, on the other hand, provide a lot of fat and, depending on what type of diet you follow, it is advisable to avoid them. Finally, remember that you should always include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

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