Who says that the diet and the weekend are incompatible?

If you have recently decided to start a diet, you will have verified that when the weekend arrives, the routine and planning of the previous days is lost. We usually have more events, eat a little more of everything, and consequently skip the diet. This fact can disrupt our plans a bit in order to be able to show off a beautiful figure for the summer. So that you can meet your objectives, here we leave you a series of guidelines.

Tips for you to enjoy the weekend if you are on a diet

Calories and the weekend

  • The calories on the weekend are just as important as the calories you take in during the week. In the event that you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, because they have recommended it to you for health reasons or because you have an event and want to look divine, you should follow the diet during the week and leave the weekend to treat yourself to something else. whim, as long as you have been meeting the objectives set from the beginning. In this way, you can go out for a drink with your friends, with your boyfriend or with your family without having to count calories.

Weekend diet

  • There are a number of diets that will allow you to be able to give yourself the odd treat during the weekend without stopping to lose weight. For example, there are those who follow the 80/20 plan, although this type of diet is more indicated for maintaining weight than for losing kilos.
  • A big mistake that many dieters make is to go hungry all week and then binge on the weekend. With this, it is not possible to lose any weight and in the long term the person suffers a rebound effect, gaining a large number of kilos. The best thing is that you talk to your nutritionist, dietician or endocrinologist and he will set the guidelines for you.
  • When starting a diet, you must be aware of what you eat every day of the week and the calories ingested must be provided throughout the week, regardless of whether it is Monday or Saturday. Only in this way will you be able to lose the desired weight and you will be able to put on this bikini that you like so much. The diet requires a great effort and perseverance on the part of the person and although the results are not immediate, in the long term the objectives are met. You already know that the most important thing is to maintain common sense. Come on you can do it.

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